Friday 13 February 2009

Day four and all is quiet on the Western Front. Well, it's not quiet at all. People play lots of shit Eastern European pop music which sounds like last year's Western music, and when they're not doing that they're shouting. Still. We just haven't found our feet yet. Soon we'll be the obnoxious bastards.
Last night we had a party. It started off as a gathering in someone's room which progressed into the kitchen which led to a club etc. Let me tell you about clubs in Romania.
Some of you may be familiar with my writing which frequently tackles the topic of clubbing and how I feel about it. I tend to paint quite a dystopian landscape due my my cynical nature, but it's never really as bad as I say it is.
Well, in Romania is it. The club we went to was fairly anonymous. It must have been a fire hazard; people were crammed in at every angle. packt like sardines in a crushd tin box
Nobody dances because there was no room, queueing at the bar consisted of throwing money over people shorter than oneself and cigarettes bounced around in the darkness like fireflies. I wasn't sure what to make of it or how to react. I drank, I chatted, I laughed etc, but for the first time since I got here I was struck by the same overwhelming lonliness that I felt in Scotland everytime I went out. Everything I have is based on conversation, if that's taken away I regress into myself and become a cynical looking man cowering under an expensive coat and sipping beer angrily. as opposed to my usual happy go luck self
Couples make the effort to talk to those left, people dance to shake off the boredom, drinks pour and drinks pour.
I don't know how to handle it even after years of practice. I suppose I'll learn to live with it eventually. Maybe I should read more and go to fewer clubs. Having said that, I had a better time last night than I usually do in these places. I don't know. People outside are singing in Turkish.
I don't think I'll go out tonight. I'm tired and I'm enjoying catching up with my reading and writing. Our classes start on Monday.
Tomorrow is Valentine's day. I think I'll get drunk.
And so it goes.

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