Sunday 15 February 2009

We are Navigators, David, Navigators!

Before I forget again, a great thing happened in Luton before we abandoned Western Culture completely.
We went for our last British drink (and last pint; beer comes in half litre bottles here. You can't get beer on tap) in a little pub next to our hotel called The California Inn. As it turns out it is Luton's number one spot for gay and alternative lifestyles. Everyone was lovely, we chatted to a few people and they found out about our trip etc. So we were sitting at a table when a guy walks over and says "Hey guys, I heard you're going to Romania- cool! Now, are you two homosexuals?"
How fantastically forward! We told him we were not and he spent a few minutes making angry small talk, obviously annoyed that we were bringing our boring heterosexual lifestyle into his domain. I thought it was all very funny.

I have my first Romanian hangover today. We had a Hell of a night though. We went to a club that had a real band playing, they were somewhere between Rage and Linkin Park. Not too bad. Very Romanian.
Dave and I have both discovered that we've started speaking in pigeon english to each other after having to do so for the benefit of the other students. It's quite embarrassing when you catch yourself saying things like "I like very much" and dropping Romanian words into sentences such as "Hey man, do you want lapta in your tea?". We're truly men of the world.

I found out that our address is "Complexul Studentesc, Caminul C12, Aleea Studentilor, Timisoara, Romania." So if anyone wants to write to us there you go. It translates roughly as "Student complex in student drive." Imaginitive. We're in room 101 as well. Don't think the irony is lost on us.
Oh, another little culture shock. There's no licencing laws here so you can buy booze as long as the shop is open. It's wonderful. And coffee shops are usually open until the early hours of the morning. Oh, that's what I was going to say!
I had an amazing moment today. Dave and I were walking through one of the town squares next to the Christian Orthodox cathedral. It has been snowing a bit so everything has a thin layer of white over it. The sun was setting the snow was melting and there was amazing Gregorian-style chanting coming from the cathedral. Everything for a second just seemed perfect; everything came together and I realised that I love it here, I haven't screwed up. It was a good feeling.
I think i'll stay in tonight and do some writing, I'm too tired to go out. I think I might write a happy story for once.
Yeah, why not.

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